Painting with God today

Today has been a very good day.

DH (dear hubby) took me out to breakfast at the Pancake Pantry in downtown Nashville this morning, then on a short hand-holding stroll along 21st avenue in the brisk (cold) winter air.  After buying me a couple of delicious tea flavors from Teavana and driving home the long way, I got to spend some time in my favorite room….my art studio!!  🙂

I have to say, my favorite painting days are when I am working on something I’ve been commissioned to paint for someone special!!

It’s always fun to paint.  I mean, blending, dripping, throwing, and brushing colors together….what’s not to love, but  when I know right where the painting is going, who it is going to, and what colors THEY want to see, it is extra fun for me.    Today was one of those days!!!!

Painting is sort of like working in a flower garden for me.  I feel a little closer, and more connected to God.  I don’t know why really, but I find myself praying, remembering scriptures, thinking of a worship song, or sensing something deep inside of me that seems to be a ‘brush of God’s color upon my heart’ when I paint.

I can’t wait to see what the canvas will look like in the end; how many mistakes I will make, how many times I will start over, how many colors, brushes, and days will go into the process of creating a finished  piece of art.   I wonder if God feels the same way about ME?


Some of the colors for today




About mystiwhiteart

i am a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a niece, a cousin, friend and new blogger. i am a God-chaser and i love to paint! View all posts by mystiwhiteart

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